A Simple way to Relax
How to Relax? As I have said in a previous post some methods of relaxing are far to specific and complicated. Its all well and good going around and trying to be centered and level. Not experiences the lows and worries of life, staying at the even keel. But what about the highs, what about joy, emotional or physical.
There are other programs which act as a band aid and can work as long as things go well. They seem to fall apart when your sick and at your lowest. When your mental stamina is low the cracks appear because the problem is still there.
If you have a problem that is causing you prolonged stress, then you need to get the problem resolved for your own mental and physical health. There are many types of therapies so have a look in your area.
If you need to just relax or come down from a high level, then you can try this. But first why does it work? In many therapies they will ask you to take a deep breath, fill up your lungs then exhale. If you try this and really do it, you will notice your body expands and your head will rise. When you exhale as much as you can you body contracts and you drop down.

This creates chemical changes in the brain and there are many studies that show this. You will also have a physical behaviour when your stressed. You will hold yourself in a certain way. When you use this breathing pattern, you change the association in your mind.
For more information see our homepage Dublin Dun Laoghaire Hypnosis
Simple Way To Relax
So, take a deep breath, fill up your lungs, hold it for a few seconds and release all of it and allow your body to drop or sink with it. Then repeat as needed. Simple!
Yes, it’s simple, but will you try it, probably not. Why is that? Have you been told its more complicated and you only need to buy this, whatever and your cured.
With this you help change the stress hormone levels, you break a physical association with the stress, you increase the oxygen levels, and you will feel yourself dropping down.
If you have an underlying problem get help, if your just stressed in a situation try this. Sometimes simple works.
If you need to talk to someone about sexual abuse try the Irish Rape Network.