Angry all the time

We have spoken about snapping at people and some of the reasons this may happen. You can read more on that in the post How to stop snapping at people.  If you are feeling angry during your day you will need to see if this is justified or if the anger seems to be bubbling underneath all the time.

Say for example you go into work and you’re angry during the day and you hate the place and maybe some of the people. You will need to look at that way in a calm detached way. Does the job create something you fundamentally disagree with? Do they promote something that just sits wrong with you? Has the staff or management treated you unfairly or to the point of bullying?

You see where I’m going with this, is there a logical reason why you feel this way. If not, we will look at that lower down. But say there is, if it’s related to your morals it may be time to think of a change. If you can’t then you will need to look at the positives, maybe write a list. For example this job puts food on the table for my family; it pays the pills and keeps a roof over your head etc.

If you have an issue, say your manager dropped you in it or should have taken your side when they didn’t. In truth they may have done something once and it may have been bad but if you keep reliving it with feeling then you’re doing it to yourself. Ask the question, is it hurting them or you? It’s you so you need to be able to let that go which will feel like a weight of your shoulders.

In hypnosis we can help you offload that anger and help you relax so not only do you feel better in the same situation but throughout your day.

If on the other hand your anger is just always present there may be a deeper reason for this. As human beings we run of a programme that starts the day we are born until the day we die. If you have unresolved issues even from an early age they can follow you and cloud your judgement. Have you heard of rose tinted glasses, when imagine the reverse. It may be how you see life or how you see yourself. Either way hypnosis can help, by finding the root of the problem and desensitising it. This is a process and takes on average between 4 and 6 sessions. For more look at our home page Dun Laoghaire Hypnosis.

How to stop snapping at people

If you find yourself snapping at people on rare occasions I wouldn’t worry too much. Life happens to all of us and we can have bad days. These can be caused by ill health like a cold or flu. Lack of sleep can also have adverse effects on us and then of course life can seem to throw obstacles at us.

Theses should be short lived and forgotten unless you need to make an apology. If so make your apology and then forget about it and let it go.

If on the other hand it seems to be constant then you need to examine it closer. If it’s happening with your partner, see can you see any patterns. For example, are you having a good day, looking forward to seeing him then when he walks in the door and you see his face it just overtakes you. This works exactly the same if you reverse the sexes or same sex.

Sometimes when we have heated arguments over a period of time we can create patterns. I’m angry (a heightened state of emotion) I see his face and it happens again and again and again. We can create a pattern so as above your having a great day and you see his face and the next thing you know you’re arguing again.

In hypnosis we can use what we call anger release and forgiveness to help you overcome the built up anger towards someone. This only requires you as the work is done in your mind. This also works for ex-relationships or where you were treated badly in your past. You know those situations where you relive a negative event or keep asking why and try to figure it out again and again.

If this relates to you give us a call and let the anger go. If this does not match your situation I will posting other scenarios that may help you. If you are worried call and if nothing else we can try to put your mind at ease. Find more information when you visit our home page Dun Laoghaire Hypnosis

Stress relief with hypnosis

Stress affects everybody on a daily basis and is a normal part of life. For most of us stress starts when we wake thinking about what we have to do and to get it done within a certain time frame.

call now for stress relief with hypnosis!

Maybe we have something to do that we don’t want to do, maybe a phone call that your dreading.

Maybe its just the drudge of the same routine that you feel like you have to do, almost like a prisoner.

When you feel this way plus a host of different ways we can make small problems feel like they’re mountains.

You put a run in your tights, you cut yourself shaving. You spill something while making breakfast!  Lets face it, all small things but how many of us curse, get angry and even feel hopeless?

Not to mention who moved your keys! The traffic, idiots who should not have a licence. Bus/luas being late or packed. Your not even in work and if you have children to get ready…

If I stub my toe getting out of bed I have 2 choices, hop and get angry and let that shape my day or hop and good naturedly slag yourself or the bed for moving and let it go.

You have both choices but which do you choose. For some people making mistakes shacks their confidence and they can feel worthless and maybe angry. Yet the ability to walk and talk comes from countless mistakes till you mastered it.

For others they may feel they have to say yes to everybody (including family and friends) which puts to much of a pull on them and they start snapping at the small things.

That’s just 2 examples so for you it may be different but no matter what it is there are ways to see differently and to let go. We are running on a programme from our childhood and past experiences whether you know it or not. Its not your fault and it can be changed.

If you would like to know more on what hypnosis for stress relief can do for you Call now and set yourself free. Or read more about  Dun Laoghaire hypnosis.

What is hypnotherapy

What is hypnotherapy and why does it work. Very briefly hypnotherapy quiets the conscious mind and allows us to give positive suggestions directly to the subconscious mind. We can break or change negative habits and replace them with positive habits that you the client want.

We also can determine the root cause of a problem and desensitise and if need be reframe the problem.  When you understand how the mind works it all begins to make sense and you can see how the mind can create problems.

Panic attacks for example can cause a person to withdraw more and more from life until the only place they feel safe is at home and sometimes not even there. The mind is seeing danger in situations and scenarios where no danger exists.  When the mind interprets danger it tries to protect you by creating these feelings.

Through hypnosis we can rebalance the reaction to the event and so much more. Depression & Anxiety is another example where thoughts can become unbalanced and usually between 4 -6 sessions through hypnosis this can be significantly reduced or removed.

For more information visit our home page Dun Laoghaire Hypnosis and feel free to call.