
Find ways to deal with stress

How to find ways to deal with stress

As you can see from the last post “Coping with stress” the problems in the world are nothing new. The ability to be bombarded with negative news 24/7 is the only new element. So we will always need to find ways to deal with stress.

We all know logically if you leave out some details and over hype or over play other information we can easily distort the reality of the situation. Now take this one step further, we all have opinions that we believe are true.

So when you hear information you will judge it from what you already believe to be true. As humans we will readily accept information that matches what we believe and disregard information that takes a conflicting point of view.

We often judge someone’s intelligence based on how well their opinions match ours. Its also easy to see how situations can become stressful when we deal with other people. Since we will always have to interact with other people we will always need to find ways to deal with stress.

Now if you look at the words truth and beliefs what do we see. All truths are beliefs but not all beliefs are truths. If you believe something to be true, can you prove it and then can this be replicated by other people? Then it’s generally true!

Find ways for coping with stress

Programs for stress

If you cant prove it and others can’t prove it it’s a belief. If you go to the next step. Is there evidence to prove your belief is false? Would you except the new information or would you argue and still choose to believe what you cant prove.

Now if you were truthful with yourself, how many beliefs do you hold that are holding you back? These are the aspects of your thinking that need to change so your life can improve.

Theses patterns or ways of thinking I call programs. With hypnosis these patterns can rapidly change. So when you’re looking to find ways to deal with stress, hypnosis may be for you.

In the next post I will talk more about programs and how we can change them. Remove some of the negative ones and install some positive programs.

Do you need help due to sexual assault have a look at the national rape crises centre website.

Coping with stress

Coping with stress in this crazy world

When it all seems too much and the world seems to weigh us down, what do we do? What are the best ways for coping with stress?

Its easy to say just change how you think. Fill your mind with positive thoughts and see the world change. Ok that’s just an exaggerated and over simplified view. BUT unfortunately its being peddled by lots of people.

coping with stress

First look at recent events, we are dealing with covid 19 for over 2 years and it is still here. As we started to get a handle on that there is military tension in Europe. It seems that we are being bombarded with doom and gloom messages all the time.

Now depending on your age we could examine the last 20, 40, 60 or 80 years. What you will find if you look at the real history and not some revisionist version is that there has always been strife. Weather it is in the shape of war, political unrest or famine there are genuine problems faced by each generation. if you need to speak to someone about a rape you could try the Rape Crisis Centre.

This is not meant to add to your stress but rather show you a larger view. The only thing that is new is the ability to bombard you 24/7 with negative news. I do say negative news and if your interested there have been many studies in to why good news doesn’t sell.

So imagine walking down the street and seeing someone with a big happy grin on their face and a bounce in their step, do you have a positive or negative opinion about them? A lot of people would think of words like fool, idiot or maybe they are simple.

But if you look depressed, rushing around in a bad mood that would be normal for many people. A bad method for coping with stress.

If you could see their thoughts it would be the same, one with a positive mindset, believing that the best result will come from events. Or, a negative mindset, where you believe the worst possible outcome will unfold from any situation. If something did work out it would be a fluke and it is only a matter of time before the other shoe drops.

Which would be normal for you? If your looking for ways to deal with stress I would assume the negative view point. This is what we mean about changing your mindset. I will talk more about the programs in your mind and how we work to change them in the next post. For now know that it can be done and you can feel a lot better.

Why and how to Relax

A Simple way to Relax

How to Relax? As I have said in a previous post some methods of relaxing are far to specific and complicated. Its all well and good going around and trying to be centered and level. Not experiences the lows and worries of life, staying at the even keel. But what about the highs, what about joy, emotional or physical.

There are other programs which act as a band aid and can work as long as things go well. They seem to fall apart when your sick and at your lowest. When your mental stamina is low the cracks appear because the problem is still there.

If you have a problem that is causing you prolonged stress, then you need to get the problem resolved for your own mental and physical health. There are many types of therapies so have a look in your area.

If you need to just relax or come down from a high level, then you can try this. But first why does it work? In many therapies they will ask you to take a deep breath, fill up your lungs then exhale. If you try this and really do it, you will notice your body expands and your head will rise. When you exhale as much as you can you body contracts and you drop down.

How to Relax

This creates chemical changes in the brain and there are many studies that show this. You will also have a physical behaviour when your stressed. You will hold yourself in a certain way. When you use this breathing pattern, you change the association in your mind.

For more information see our homepage Dublin Dun Laoghaire Hypnosis

Simple Way To Relax

So, take a deep breath, fill up your lungs, hold it for a few seconds and release all of it and allow your body to drop or sink with it. Then repeat as needed. Simple!

Yes, it’s simple, but will you try it, probably not. Why is that? Have you been told its more complicated and you only need to buy this, whatever and your cured.

With this you help change the stress hormone levels, you break a physical association with the stress, you increase the oxygen levels, and you will feel yourself dropping down.

If you have an underlying problem get help, if your just stressed in a situation try this. Sometimes simple works.

If you need to talk to someone about sexual abuse try the Irish Rape Network.

Christmas stress with COVID and Family

Surviving Christmas Stress with the family

We all know Christmas time can be a stressful time even when everything is going well and let’s face it things have not gone well this year. No matter what side you come down on. If you think the governments reaction is overkill or they have not done enough. The damage that has been done is real and the economic affects will be with us for many years to come.

Many people have lost their jobs in the short turn and many more will not be returning to the same job. Some industries will take years to recover and we have already seen some companies closing their doors for good. For those who have lost someone hopefully you will remember the fun times rather than the end. Grief is natural and normal, and we need to go through it.

For many people the thoughts of being stuck with their family is not a pleasant one. First of all, we generally don’t like the feeling that we have to do something, it feels like control has been taken away. Second there may be issues bubbling under the surface for years if not decades.

Family Tension at Christmas

Unresolved issues in families is nothing new but small issues over time have destroyed families. I have worked with family members where a misunderstanding caused them not to speak for years. Remember wires do get crossed and remember just because something is important to you nobody else may care. Just like you not caring or thinking something is silly that is so important to someone else.

We are all different and we see things differently and the meaning we give that will shape how we view people and things around us. Since we all do this, the world looks slightly or completely different from person to person. Its not personal we are simply different.

So, if a relation starts questioning your life choices or it would be better to cook something a different way and everything in between, its not important. They are just giving voice to what is in their head and it will not be here for too much longer. If you are happy with it, it does not matter what someone else thinks.

If fear of the virus is affecting your life check out my fast and effective audio program, remove fear of the virus.

Christmas Stress with COVID Alone

Living with Christmas stress alone

Christmas time can be a stressful time even when everything is going well. I think we can all agree that 2020 has been a year that we all want to forget! No matter what side you come down on the damage that has been done is real and the economic affects will be with us for the next few years.

For those who have lost someone, that will always stay with them. Over time, hopefully you will remember the fun times rather than the end.

With the lockdowns many people have felt isolated and very much on their own. Not just physically but emotionally alone and forgotten about. As a species we are a social group and we need contact with other humans. The degree of contact will vary from person to person, weather its just a face to face chat or a hug.

It has been well documented the affects of isolation can have on an individual. One of the problems is that when you feel like this you don’t feel like making the extra effort. This effort may just be making a video call with someone. When you feel like this you may feel that they should have contacted you and if they are not going to try well then why should you.

Well be selfish, this is for you! Reach out, have a laugh or a rant, get it of your chest. Make the effort but if they can’t talk at that moment call someone else. I know from my experience my sister calls me when I’m having dinner, time and time again. So be mindful of that when you make a call or receive one. They may be busy and on the other side they may need to talk.

If you are going to spend Christmas by yourself then make the effort to make it as fun as you can. It doesn’t matter if it’s a bit silly. Anything you can do to make it better for you is worth the effort.

If fear of the virus is affecting your life check out my fast and effective audio program, remove fear of the virus.

Just Trying to Relax

Trying to Relax but find it hard

For most of us, that is what we are trying to do, just trying to relax. It sounds simple enough but all we have to do is look around at all the people who are stressed. If your reading this maybe all you have to do is look in the mirror.

So why is just trying to relax so difficult for us, all you have to do is google it and you will find so many ways to help with specific problems. In truth that is one of the problems, we all view things differently. Plus, we mean slightly different things even though we may use the same words.

For more information visit our home page Dublin Dun Laoghaire Hypnosis!

Trying to Relax

If I asked you to describe an emotion without using another emotion or feeling to describe it, you will find it exceedingly difficult. Stop for a moment and try it, describe what love is but be logical and factual. If you do it, you will see the difficultly and what you do come up with, do you think that is the list other people would come up with?

trying to relax with emotions

Now when I asked you do think of love, what type of love did you think off. Love for one-self, love for your parents, your children, your spouse, your pets. Maybe it was love for a deity or maybe physical love?

That was only one word but straight away we can go into different directions and then how do we perceive it. What does it me to us and what emotions do we attach to those thoughts or meanings? That is how we see life on a daily basis.

Something comes into our awareness and we think, what does this mean to us, then already in our subconscious we have programs that will align emotions to this. It does this because our subconscious is lazy, very powerful but lazy.

If you need to talk to someone about sexual abuse try the Irish Rape Network.

So that is a reason why you may have tried something in the past that has worked for others but not you. We are all unique and when some programs get to precise it can create a problem.

Its easy enough to relax or at least partially in most cases. I am not talking about panic attacks, you can more about them in other posts. In my next post ill explain how you can relax in simple general steps and explain why it works.

Release the Fear Virus

Start today and let it go!

Hi, in previous post I said I was going to create a special hypnosis audio to help with some of the anxiety that being generated over the virus. If you want to learn more click Release the fear of the virus.

There is so much fear and anxiety at the moment probably not seen since the last world war. its been just over 100 years since humanity has seen anything like this.

Release the fear Virus

Fear of the virus, fear for our loved ones and then still trying to pay the bills and put food on the table.

Its a balance which countries are struggling with, the good of the individual compared to the country, and many mistakes have been made.

As individual we need to look after our own mental health first so we are are stronger not just for ourselves but for our families and loved ones. Then the larger community .

The hypnosis audio covers multiply topics which people have spoken to me directly about. here are are a few,

Fear of not being able to pay mortgage
Worrying about the future of your family
Worrying about coping with stress and anxiety
Fear of no money to pay bills or buy food long term
Fear of economy not getting back to normal
Fear of passing it on to elderly or sick
Fear of tensions and fighting at home
Fear of losing friends and family
Feeling isolated

If you can identify with any of those feelings check out this link, Release the fear of the virus, it explains everything in detail.

We all have difficulties, and if you are struggling you are not alone. Worrying for our futures and that of our children, paying bills and staying healthy. Unfortunately these stresses will cause a lot of suffering, remember to stay mentally strong, talk to loved ones and if you need help, look for it.

Either way, stay safe and stay strong, this too shall pass!

Changing Negative Thoughts with Hypnosis

How to Change Negative thoughts with Hypnosis

There are many programs out there with many techniques to change how you think. Some are good and some are completely rubbish. As a clinical hypnotist I want to get to the reason and go from there.

It might be real, or it might be imagined, or it could be your perception on an event from your past causing you problems. If you believe it then its real for you. However, it affects you is how we deal with the problem.

No matter the cause or the severity we can help. We help you see it differently by reframing it for you or changing what it means to you. There are techniques and we tailor them to suit you. Most times its between 3 and 4 sessions, maybe 6 for traumatic events.

If you have any questions about changing negative thoughts or what Hypnosis is please call for more information or see our home page, Dublin Hypnosis Dun Laoghaire.

In response to external influences, people create beliefs. Some of these are helpful and some are not so helpful. Several assumptions that can interfere with self-confidence and positive ways of thinking are:

I must always be successful at every challenge that I undertake. Well this assumption is a totally unrealistic. In life each person has his strengths and his weaknesses and while it is important to learn to do the best it is more important to learn to accept yourself as being human. Let yourself feel good about what you are good at, accept the fact that you do not know everything, and you do not need to.

I must be perfect, and loved by everyone, and satisfy everyone. Again, this assumption is a totally unrealistic assumption. All human beings are less than perfect. It is well advised to develop personal standards and values that are not very dependent on the approval of other people.

Everything that happened to me in the past remains in control of my feelings and behaviours in the present. While it is true that your confidence was especially vulnerable to external influences when you were a child as you gain maturity appreciation and point of view on what those influences have been.

In doing so, you can choose which influences you will continue to allow to influence your life. You do not have to be helpless based on what happened in the past

If you would be interested but unsure why not try our Guided Relaxation through Hypnosis session so you can experience hypnosis without telling us any personal information. It’s a great way to start and everyone could benefit from some relaxation.

Self-Esteem with Self-Hypnosis

How to Build Your Self-Esteem with Self-Hypnosis

If you have read some of my other post you may have heard me say before that at times its not about finding something but it’s about getting rid of the negative images and films that we call memory. If it’s a bad memory what will happen if we do it again? Will it be dangerous, will we look foolish and what will other people think? In other words, judgment.

There is no point looking for inner peace anywhere else except within yourself. You do not need to travel and pay someone a fortune all you need to do is change the negative into positive. Imagine having happy thoughts on a constant basis, would you be happy? And being happy is what we really want.

If you have any questions about Self-Esteem or what Hypnosis is please call for more information or see our home page, Dublin Hypnosis Dun Laoghaire.

A social phobia is a fear of interacting with others on a social level. Examples would be talking in front of other people, waiting in line at the checkout imagining others are looking at you, or even fear of talking on the phone.

Self-confidence is a feeling that allows people to have positive, yet realistic views of themselves and their circumstances. Self-confident people have confidence in their own abilities, have a general sense of control over their lives, and believe that, within reason, they will be able to do what they want and need to do.

Confidence is a perspective that is accomplished through experiences. When a person experiences success, that person will tend to expect to be successful. And that very expectation will cause a feeling of self-confidence.

Imagine A young lady who is scared to death of being in high places wants to learn to dive into a swimming pool from an extremely high diving board. So, she finds a diving coach who asks her to take a jump into the pool from the first rung of the ladder going up to the high diving board. The first step of the ladder is not awfully high, so the young lady feels confident, and she dives from that rung, and lands in the water unharmed.

Next, the athletic coach has her take a jump from the second rung of the ladder, and so forth. I assume that you see what’s going on here. With each new step she takes as she climbs higher up the ladder, since the girl was able to jump without fear or harm, and the next higher step is only slightly higher than the last, the fear factor is negligible, and the girl expects to be successful. When she dives in and is unhurt, the girl’s self-confidence increases, and her expectation of success on the next step up the ladder increases.

If a person who has a long history of success and feelings of confidence does fail, they still tend to expect success the next time out. Conversely, when a person who is weak in the self-confidence department fails, they tend to lose confidence, and expect failure, which can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Having true self-confidence doesn’t mean that individuals will be able to do everything. People, who have true self-confidence, usually have expectations that are practical. Even when some of their expectations are not met, they continue to be confident and to accept themselves.

People, who are not self-confident, tend to depend excessively on the approval of others in order to feel self-confidence. They usually don’t take risks because of the fear of failure. They make light of themselves and tend to discount compliments that they receive.

Conversely, confident people are willing to risk the disapproval of others because they generally have confidence in their own prowess. They acknowledge themselves; and they don’t feel they have to conform in order to be admired.

Just because one feels self-confidence in one or more parts of their life, doesn’t mean that they will feel overconfident in every single part of their life. For example, a person might feel optimistic about their athletic prowess, but not feel confident as far as members of the opposite sex are involved, such as in a dating situation, or social relationships.

So how is Self-confidence developed Initially?

Many powerful and effective truths have an impact on the development of self-confidence. Parents’ attitudes are critical to the way children think about themselves, especially in their early years. When parents provide admiration, children receive a solid foundation for self-esteem.

If one or both parents are excessively demanding or critical, or if they are overprotective and discourage moves toward independence, children may be fated to believe they are incapable, inadequate, or inferior.

However, if parents encourage a child’s moves toward self-reliance, and they are not overly critical when the child makes mistakes, the child will learn to accept herself, and will be on the way to developing self-confidence.

A lack of confidence is not necessarily related to a lack of ability. A lack of self-confidence is often the result of centering much too strongly on the ridiculous expectancy of other people, friends and parents. The control of peers can be more powerful than that of parents in shaping the feelings about one’s self.

If you would be interested but unsure why not try our Guided Relaxation through Hypnosis session so you can experience hypnosis without telling us any personal information. It’s a great way to start and everyone could benefit from some relaxation.

Overcoming Fear of Flying with Hypnosis

Quick way to beat my fear of flying

While I see clients all year round with a fear of flying i see a big jump coming up to the summer holidays. this is normal as more people fly at that time of year, well at least where I’m from. In Ireland there is no need for internal flights, so summertime is the peak time.

While some fears of flying may start after some sort of accident in the air, the vast majority of the ones I’ve seen come from something else. Some people are claustrophobic, the idea of been stuck with no way out is terrifying. Some people are or feel they are forced into going on a holiday with friends and family and feel trapped with no way out.

Claustrophobia, social anxiety and you have seen so many flights crash on the media which is a visual repetition and authority proof of what can happen. Plus, on top of that each case can be slightly different but a feeling of being trapped, powerless, out of your control will play a part.

In hypnosis we find the problem, reframe it, change it or give it a different meaning while including positive affirmations. What this does is change the feeling associated with flying. Basically, when you think of flying a different feeling is present, so your experience of flying is different.

Fear of flying is a phobia that keeps people from getting onto airplanes and heading where they need to be. It is something that can afflict a person for many years and usually there is no rhyme or reason to why it impacts a certain person. It is simply a mental block that keeps people from rationally thinking about flying in an airplane.

This can be a particularly devastating problem for people who are in business, as flying across the world has become a very important part of the business landscape. Maybe you need to head across the ocean to close a business deal. Maybe you must travel a long distance to see a sick family member. Whatever the case may be, it is always nice to have the option of flying.

Fear of flying is a common thing. In fact, many people suffer from anxiety when it comes to flying in an airplane. The problem occurs when that bit of anxiety turns into a lot of anxiety and you can no longer function while flying in an airplane.

At that point, fear can occur when a person goes to get on a plane, or it might even cause them to stay home. This is something that can be fixed, but it takes some mental conditioning. It takes a change in thinking in order to achieve the goal of chasing away the fear of flying.

A complete change in mindset about flying and airplanes is something that can be achieved through hypnosis. As a practicing hypnotherapist, I have seen my share of people overcome different mentally based problems. Things like smoking, alcoholism, and gambling addiction can be cured with hypnosis and so can a fear of flying.

Many people think that hypnotherapy is simply something you see out on a stage in Las Vegas. This is short-changing the process a whole lot. Though it might seem like magic, hypnosis is a treatment that enables people to calm down and let good thoughts replace those ill thoughts. You would be surprised with the number of things that hypnosis can cure.

If you are struggling with fear of flying and you see no other solution to cure this fear, then consider hypnosis.

If you have any questions about your fear of flying or what Hypnosis is please call for more information or see our home page, Dublin Hypnosis Dun Laoghaire.

If you would be interested but unsure why not try our Guided Relaxation through Hypnosis session so you can experience hypnosis without telling us any personal information. It’s a great way to start and everyone could benefit from some relaxation.