We have spoken about snapping at people and some of the reasons this may happen. You can read more on that in the post How to stop snapping at people. If you are feeling angry during your day you will need to see if this is justified or if the anger seems to be bubbling underneath all the time.
Say for example you go into work and you’re angry during the day and you hate the place and maybe some of the people. You will need to look at that way in a calm detached way. Does the job create something you fundamentally disagree with? Do they promote something that just sits wrong with you? Has the staff or management treated you unfairly or to the point of bullying?
You see where I’m going with this, is there a logical reason why you feel this way. If not, we will look at that lower down. But say there is, if it’s related to your morals it may be time to think of a change. If you can’t then you will need to look at the positives, maybe write a list. For example this job puts food on the table for my family; it pays the pills and keeps a roof over your head etc.
If you have an issue, say your manager dropped you in it or should have taken your side when they didn’t. In truth they may have done something once and it may have been bad but if you keep reliving it with feeling then you’re doing it to yourself. Ask the question, is it hurting them or you? It’s you so you need to be able to let that go which will feel like a weight of your shoulders.
In hypnosis we can help you offload that anger and help you relax so not only do you feel better in the same situation but throughout your day.
If on the other hand your anger is just always present there may be a deeper reason for this. As human beings we run of a programme that starts the day we are born until the day we die. If you have unresolved issues even from an early age they can follow you and cloud your judgement. Have you heard of rose tinted glasses, when imagine the reverse. It may be how you see life or how you see yourself. Either way hypnosis can help, by finding the root of the problem and desensitising it. This is a process and takes on average between 4 and 6 sessions. For more look at our home page Dun Laoghaire Hypnosis.