Hypnosis, Depression and Hope

It’s time to start living the life you deserve

Whatever it is that is holding you back, isn’t it time for you to start living the life you want and feeling the way you want to feel? We can help! Located in Dublin Dun Laoghaire hypnosis is pain free.

Depression & Anxiety

Depression & Anxiety is very common and each visit is tailored to meet the needs of the individual client. Hypnosis for Depression & Anxiety has a proven track record and we can help significantly reduce or remove depression within 4 – 6 sessions. 

No matter what thoughts are in your head or how low you feel, you are a unique wonderful human being and you are not alone. Call Now to see how we can help.


It’s time to get rid of the anger and just let it go. We all experience anger and anger is just an emotion with can aid us. But when we lose control of it and can end marriages and break up families.

If something small happens and you lose it do you think the anger is generated from that event? We can help show you were it is coming from and help you let go and get rid of it. Call us to find out more plus I put a post-up you may find interesting.

We are located in Dublin in the Dun Laoghaire Wellness Centre 8 Cumberland Street. Look no further than MJMolloy Hypnosis. Decide now to make the change for the better, Call Now to book an appointment

Weight loss through Hypnosis

Increasing more and more people are finding it harder to lose weight. When you add up the processed foods, additives and replacement sugars which sometimes work out worse it’s easy to see where problems start. Now add on to that our everyday stress. Family, friends and the guilt that we pile on ourselves and sometimes it feels like were drowning.

There is a reason we think the way we do and through hypnosis weight loss can be much simpler and faster than you think.

Quit Smoking with Hypnosis

Many people have tried to quit smoking with patches, gums and sprays with no effect. The reason is a simple one; it’s not a simple nicotine addiction. Think about the first time you had a cigarette? It had nothing to do with addiction; it filled an emotional need, maybe just to fit in.

Over time it has become habit and the emotions stronger. This is why for many it is such a struggle as they use willpower to try and stop. If you use logic and reason versus feelings and habits, long term the feelings and habits will win out.

When you use hypnosis to quit smoking we change the feelings towards smoking and replace the bad habits with positive ones.

Releasing Fears & Phobias through hypnosis

Many people are walking around with some kind of fear or phobia without knowing where it came from. They may think they can remember the first time but usually the connection was made prior to the age of seven.

Through hypnosis we identify the first instance and work to desensitise the trigger. Rationally we know our fear doesn’t make sense but when you know how the mind works it becomes clear how it makes connections which not only don’t serve us but can inhibit our lives.


I also work with sexual assault. As a male I understand this can create a difficulty with some people coming to see me. If so, here is a link to the Irish Rape Crisis Network.